Friday, March 30, 2012

Julie Anne San Jose and Her Inevitable Success

As a year 2012 started as Julie Anne’s career begins climbing the ladder of success. It’s been a long journey for her before achieving this fame she’s experiencing now. She faced many challenges and often felt being set aside but despite that she never stops reaching her goals and continue walking in the tunnel where she sees the light at the end. Years ago, she accepted all the consequences and trials as she entered the world where she is right now. In spite of her perseverance for her work, it seems like it isn’t enough to be recognized by people surround her.

Today, she’s starting to gain all the products of her sacrifices and hard work.
A girl, who has always been described by many as humble, God-fearing, pretty, talented and fun to be with, truly deserves all the blessings she’s gaining right now.

“Boy you got my heartbeat runnin’ away! Beating like a drum and it’s coming your way.. Can’t you hear that boom badoom boom boom badoom bass, she got that Super Bass!”

Her amber energy with her charming face led her to fame and got people’s heartbeat runnin’ away! Super Bass is just one example of her outstanding video covers on YouTube that reached millions of views. Dope, she really got that Super Bass! But who could tell that she could offer more than that? Yes, she has more than that Super Bass! People left in awe when they’ve heard her rapping skills with Nicki Minaj’s song, but could you imagine our reaction as she did a cover of the song “Look At Me Now”? That’s one of those things I like about her, she’s always willing to go the extra mile. Every performance is always more than the best of yesterdays. Level-up! The sky’s the limit!

And it’s the beginning of her fame, true fame. She gained a lot of followers, VERY SUPPORTIVE followers. Despite blessings and how fortunate she is right now, she never feels and looks haughty. Julie Anne assures that her fans would feel that they’re special and important to her. She always give time to do cover songs to dedicate to her fans and serves as a token for their everlasting support.

You’re the one I love.. You’re the one I love love.. First it was nothing, now I’m catching feelings, something’s over me. You captured my attention and answered all my questions on what love is supposed to be..”

“You are my dream, you are my hope, you are my love, oh baby you are my heart.. I want you to know and let it show that I'm in love.. Every time I see you near I wanna be close to you but how can it be.. Cause I know it's impossible to make it happen.. But still, you are.. Baby, you are.”

With these few lines of her own compositions, would you believe that she once called herself as a frustrated composer? Humility strikes again! Reason why people like her so much, she’s a very down to earth girl.

After becoming a full blown performer, she’s now entering in different crafts like acting and composing songs to be offered to her fans.

She is a truly talented lady who stopped people in amazement and get lot of sponsors and endorsements.

“I would like to be known as a singer. ‘Yung acting for me is just a bonus. I want to be known by my own music.” (from her Pinoy Mag interview)

Reaching all her goals are going to be a long row to hoe, but with her talents and good heart, it’s possible to be sooner, definitely will happen sooner! 

Prepare yourself for her inevitable success!

--They call me Reyna! 

Sunday, March 4, 2012



"Always look at the good side of other people"
(Phil 2:4)


"Speak only kind words towards others."
(Col 4:6)


"Always smile with a happy heart."
(Prov. 15:13)


"Reach out with compassion to those in need"
(Rom 9:15)


"Always walk with GOD"
(Gen 6:9)

Be a GOOD-LOOKING person all the TIME!

Credits: All Photo owners

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Save Me

I was walking in the dark,
looking for even just a little spark.
Please let me see the light.
Please hold me so tight.

I couldn't see any direction.
I couldn't feel any protection.
Something needs attention.
Something was wrong, told my intuition.

How could I get out of here?
How could I fight my fear?
If there’s anything, I couldn't hear?
If there’s nothing was clear?

Searching for any way,
that would lead me into a brighter day.
What should I do?
Where should I go?

Suddenly, someone holds me.
Hugs me tight and carries me.
With His arms, I feel secured.
All my wounds slowly cured.

As I opened my eyes, I see a day.
But nobody’s with me,
where is He?
He, who led my way.

On my head, I feel a blood dropped
I turned around and looked up.
It’s from a Man with His cross.
I was in shocked as I saw the Boss.


Short-time Love

Your smile when we were together
that I thought would last forever, 
Your hand that touched me so gentle,
enough reasons for me to fell.

You treated me as your Queen.
You cared for me as your princess.
And everyone of them had seen,
how sweet you were as we passes.

Your actions told me that you love me.
As your eyes also said so.
But how it could be?
You left me, suddenly.

You did not say a thing.
You just did everything,
for me to feel that we have something.
Then now, you left me with nothing.

Thank you for making me special,
even just for a short time.
Thank you for making me fall,
then leave me after all.

I think you have found another Queen,
then show her how to be loved by a King.
But please do not make another sin,
and leave the palace again with her hurting.

There is no more reason to stay.
Please get out of my way.
There is no more to say,
‘cause I will forget you, starting today.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Mama!


You are an apple of the eye of your man.
You give love to all with almost a perfect ten.
You treat everyone nice even you’re broken.
You always protect your children.

You are a mother.
Because you face the world with all strength.
You walk with all confidence
And proud of your achievements.
Then ignore all bad comments.

You are a mother.
You are a cloud that carries the rain.
You are a railroad that leads the train.
You help your children to heal their pain.
Whenever they did wrong, you let them explain.

Because you are a mother.
That loves your children
More than how they were loved by their lover.
You are their number one adviser.
Because you are a mother. 

Thank you Ma, for always being there for me. For always forcing me to sleep early. For your constant and undying reminders that really irritates me before, but now I learned that it’s all for me. 

Thank you for treating me not just only as a daughter but also as a friend. Thank you for being so driven with my craziness. Thank you for all the silly moments. Thank you for acting like a teenager just to ride on with my trippings.

Thank you and sorry for all sacrifices you did just to bring my life in the right path. You are always the one who I ask for helps, the one who never refuses me whenever I have favors,  the one who is really honest to tell my negative attitudes, the one who taught me how hard the real life is.

 I promise to be the best daughter (I hope so) Haha.

I love you Ma, Happy Birthday! 

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Writer

 Pen, his armor
Strength, his humor
Emotions, a motivation
Experiences, an inspiration

Letting his mind flies
Making his work creative
Every master piece never dies
These things he has achieve

- Kiray Jardeliza

(It's a poem written by my sister, and it's also my first blog. :) I was thinking to blog something special, then , I came up with this. ♥)